A review by lrnunez
Burning Up Flint by Laurann Dohner


I don't think I have a HATED a book so much. i LOST ANY RESPECT I had to begin with for this author. I knew the main what the main story line of the book was going to be about but I had know idea that the heroine spends the entire book giving up what little dignity she had to begin with. Let me make this clear. Romance books are supposed to usually go like this, "Man meets woman, they fall for each others beauty/wit, man underestimates woman, woman sets him straight and comes out looking like the strong baddass she is, woman doesn't take shit from the man, man admits he was wrong or is awed at the treasure he has found in her, they sacrifice all for each other, live happily ever after, the end". No matter how different the plot in the book may be, the structure is supposed to vaguely go like that.

THIS BOOK DOES NOT HAVE ANY LOVE IN IT AT ALL. What it has is the woman groveling at the feet of the man and the man treating her like property. Anyone who says otherwise is ignorantly wrong. Basically the man makes the woman do everything he says and continues throughout the entire book to call her property. He only agrees to do the one thing she asks for because someone else says he can and she threatens to kill herself if she doesn't. I am furious to know that a woman wrote this book thinking any of this was acceptable. If you stand up for any woman's rights at all you will know what I'm talking about and hate this book. I actually read another of this author's books and thought it was ok, but after reading this book I have lost all respect for the author and will never read one of her books again. I recommend the same. IT WAS INSULTING TO ME AS A WOMAN!