A review by oneangrylibrarian
The League of Seven by Alan Gratz


Take steampunk, alternate history, science fiction, and a hero's quest and you have an apt description of The League of Seven. While this may sound too much to some, I really enjoyed it. I found the main protagonists charming and well thought out. When I first started reading, I was afraid that I would have to slog through a lot of world building, but I was happy by how quickly the story took off. At times disturbing, at times adorable, and others suspenseful, this novel has a lot going for it. It is accessible to middle grade students and provides enough historical winks and nods that adults should enjoy it too. For many readers, there will be predictable plot points but I never found myself bored by any of the twists. Even though it may feel familiar, it is like comfort food on a stormy day. This is a series that I have to own and I can't wait to promote it with my students.