A review by tom_green
List pre D. by André Gorz

“We'd go for two-hour walks in all weather. You had natural affinity with all living things that was contagious and you taught me how to look at and love the countryside, the woods, animals. Animals listened to you so intently when you talked to them I had the impression they understood what you were saying. You opened up the richness of life for me and I loved life through you - unless it was the reverse and I loved you through all living things (but that comes down to the same thing).”


„Za akéhokoľvek počasia sme chodievali na dvojhodinové prechádzky. Oplývala si nákazlivou súhrou so všetkým, čo je živé a naučila si ma pozorovať a milovať polia, lesy aj zvieratá. Keď si sa im prihovárala, načúvali ti tak pozorne, že sa mi zdalo, že tvojim slovám rozumejú. Odkrývala si mi bohatstvo života a ja som ho ľúbil prostredníctvom teba – ak to nie je opačne (i tak je to jedno a to isté).“