A review by snapcrackle
The Thousand Deaths of Ardor Benn by Tyler Whitesides


4.5/5 Stars

This book was recommended to me by a family member and after nearly 3 years I finally decided to buy it on Kindle and give it a read. I was not disappointed.

The Thousand Deaths of Ardor Benn left we with a feeling of satisfaction while also making me impatient to read the next two books of the trilogy. It is a fun, quick paced read that is probably targeted towards high school aged kids or a little older.

Ardor Benn excels in a few categories that I really appreciate. Tyler Whitesides, while a great middle school age author, is not known for very serious or intense books, but this one may have been the most intense books that I have ever read. There is enough material in the 750 pages to fill 3 full books of the same size. Whitesides’ pacing is unrivaled. There is very little “sitting room dialogue” and plenty of action. The characters are developed very well, especially the three main ones. There are a couple of side characters that I never cared about but they fulfilled their purpose so I can’t complain too much. The world that is built is pretty interesting, however you never leave the main city except for a couple hundred pages.

There are very few critiques I have, but one of them (about 80% of the way through the book) I had a hard time with. There is a reveal about that point in the book that made me a little frustrated. It felt like a cop out that a lot of authors use when they need a way out of a sticky situation. However, by the end, Whitesides had covered it up pretty well and I was happy with the way it ended.

All in all, I think most readers would enjoy this book if they gave it a good shot.