A review by bookgirlbrown_reviews
All the Dangerous Things by Stacy Willingham


Ugh. Where to start with this. The book started out really interesting. The characters, the plot, dialogue all hooked me. Then the first annoyance was the overly exaggerated descriptions. I could look past this because it wasn’t a constant. But some parts did have me rolling my eyes.

I liked the story - I think some parts were more enjoyable than others but overall it was okay.

Then we get to the authors note where she feels sympathy for Andrea Yates - and can see how she was villainized in (she doesn’t point to the media but obviously) the media. (I agree) But at the same time, in the story, uses the line, “They think I killed my baby: another Susan Smith or Casey Anthony” (44). First, how you can compare Susan to Casey - I have no idea. But I have an issue with this line. I know I’m in the minority but I don’t believe Casey killed her daughter.

None of the case against her made sense. And when you have detectives not really investigating everything but have tunnel vision instead - well that’s just bad investigating. Yes, Casey lied and lied and lied but I don’t think it’s for the reasons everyone thinks. When you really research this case (and family) and not believe everything the media throws out there, you can start to see how the police failed Caylee. Casey was also found innocent by a jury of her peers - and not the way OJ was (blaming it on his race). Actually found innocent - because the jury saw the facts - saw through the lies of others - etc.

If you want to point to mothers who have killed their children I have a whole list of actual proven killers - many of who have admitted to it.

I know this was only one sentence in the book but it just left a bad taste in my mouth.