A review by jugglingpup
Our Super Adventure Vol. 1: Press Start to Begin by Sarah Graley, Stef Purenins


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I got an ARC of this book.

I have seen some of these comics before and I generally liked them. I have chuckled and moved on. There were times when I was really amused and even forwarded them on to others. Yet, reading this book just left me majorly disappointed

It appears that every single comic I liked the first dozen times I saw them were included in this book. That isn’t a bad thing. The bad thing was those were the only comics that I even mildly liked. This book was just constant poop and fart jokes. I have never enjoyed those jokes, even as a kid. I am just shocked at the sheer number of those jokes. There was no substance at all. There was just poop and fart. That was it.

There were a few comics that had the potential to be funny, but they were just so overshadowed by everything else that I couldn’t enjoy them. There were a few fart jokes about the cats that could have been funny, but there were just so many fart jokes that I was annoyed before they appeared. I don’t recommend this book to anyone, unless they have the humor of an eight year old boy (though the eight year old boys I know also wouldn’t have found this book funny).

The only art that stood out to me was the cats. They were consistently cute and I looked forward to seeing them for the most part.