A review by slayciespider
The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss


This book is complicated for me. I can’t stand the voice of it, I fundamentally disagree with some of his philosophies around reducing workload (namely, finding cheap labor to do it), and it all centers around the idea that work is supposed to suck. All that aside, I found some good nuggets in here that I just had to separate out from his elitist bullshit.

1. Don’t save the things you want to do for when you retire. The goal shouldn’t be to work yourself to death now so you can enjoy life later.

2. The Dreamline worksheet is a nice tool to make yourself face the big goals, that stuff you always talk about doing/having/being, and helps you see it as a much closer reality. I’m now actively planning a month long trip because that worksheet helped me realize I have the means and the work flexibility to do it.

3. Busyness is nothing to brag about and it keeps us numb and distracted from what’s real and what we want out of life. Filling up our days, working overtime and putting more and more stress on ourselves is not noble or worth it. And also get off the email. There are some actual helpful tips in here about how to do this practically without causing chaos at work.

4. Elimination and minimalism are core to this “lifestyle design”. Don’t look for things to fill a day, look for what can be eliminated.

I ended up skipping chapters or not finishing a few when they didn’t feel necessary. I’d say a good 40% of this book had solid ideas for how I want to live my life, so it was worth the read.