A review by deepbutdazzlingdarkness
The Astrology House by Carinn Jade


WOW this was good. Very twisty, and although I picked up hints of what was going on along the way, I definitely could not have predicted how it ended. The ending was so satisfying and I literally said “oh my GOD” when we got to the last reveal. I’m not super into astrology, like I think it’s fun to read about, but the whole like woo aspect of it, I don’t believe. Still, I thought it was super well researched, and incorporated really well into the storyline.

The men in this book…woof. What a range from bad to worse! I guess there’s one (1) good man, Eric, but he didn’t show up that much. But I really fucking hated Adam and he made me swear out loud multiple times. A man writing romance novels under a female pseudonym? I feel like that’s a red flag on his own, and then the fact that he’s a blatant unrepentant cheater who literally wants his cake and to eat it too…tbh I wanted him to be the one who died but the way things played out, I was not disappointed.

I will say, initially it took me aback that for a book set at an astrology based/themed retreat, all of the characters appeared to be straight (or at least in straight relationships), but it was nice to see that that’s not the case, and, although nothing substantive came [redacted’s] feelings, I really liked that subplot. Also I have to admit, the fact that the retreat is called "Stars Harbor" really threw me because 100% every time I read it as "Stars Hollow"