A review by tien
The Blood Spilt by Åsa Larsson


Woah, the ending literally broker my heart and I had to jump on to the next book to find out what’s happening next. Book 1, [b:Sun Storm|423523|Sun Storm (Rebecka Martinsson, #1)|Åsa Larsson|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1320410370s/423523.jpg|513611] also had a crazy ending and it was hard to believe that Rebecka got involved in something violent yet again especially as she’s still recovering from trauma. She’s a brave girl though wanting to do the right thing. For some reason though, I couldn’t really get into the mystery side of things and the resolution didn’t quite satisfy (despite the dramatic end). I did find, however, the different culture/atmosphere interesting. It’s curious also, that both books so far involved the church!