A review by indecisivesailorscout
Vampire Knight, Vol. 1 by Matsuri Hino


Read this today while I was waiting for the little one I was babysitting to go down for her nap. Her teenage big sister had this sitting on her shelf, and the last time I was babysitting I ended up picking the 5-star read [b:Harleen|52713814|Harleen|Stjepan Šejić|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1575333390l/52713814._SX50_SY75_.jpg|75110857] from her bookshelf, so I decided to try another new-to-me book today. Unfortunately this was SUPER boring and I can't believe so many of my friends were into this in high school (sorry, Claire!) because I just straight up didn't like it. All the faces are drawn exactly the same. The tension is so weak it might as well be nonexistent. There's so little here and the protagonist doesn't carry an ounce of it anyway. It was enough that I read through it while listening to the Cries of Baby Eve's People (she is two...maybe she was trying to tell me this book would be bad & I should come spare her from naptime instead?) but not worth more time than that. 2 stars.