A review by ccapps
Science Ink: Tattoos of the Science Obsessed by Carl Zimmer


What's the first thing you ask someone when you see their tattoo? If you don't have any tattoos it's probably, "did it hurt?" The follow is often something like, "Does it mean something? " or "Why'd you get that? "

Carl Zimmer addresses that second question for hundreds of science themed tattoos in this book, which is fascinating and inspirational to someone like me with an interest in both tattoos and science.

The book itself is beautiful so kudos to the art director who said people will pay for cut outs on the cover.

My one issue with this work is that the photography looks like a mixture of professional and amateur work. Had this been a book I paid for (instead of checked out) I'd feel let down.

Another important note, feel free to let anyone look through this piece, because if this book is in indication of the trend, scientific tattoos are placed in significantly less risqué areas on the body compared to the traditional tattoo collection.

PS Mary Roach wrote the forward so that was reason enough for me to take a look.