A review by winesharksea
Her Master and Commander by Karen Hawkins


i read this book (and its sequel) at about 1 in the morning during what i can only describe as some kind of hysterical fugue episode of which i only have vague memories of pacing around a room and yelling UGH and OH, DON'T DO THAT into the unfeeling night air... now i feel ready to discuss my thoughts to an extent. i can only say that for a book which blatantly ripped off the jeeves character he was extremely incidental to what little of a love story there was. additionally, the beauty and the beast motif was not great, mostly because the entire concept of beauty and the beast makes me want to pitch myself into the sea, although in this case if i did that it would only have been more fodder for tristan's gross woman= boat metaphors. man was a pirate turned privateer and still managed to be incredibly tedious when he wasn't being a complete pig but hey at least he's busty and mildly tortured from his sort of sad backstory!
line up ladies you too could have the merits of your figure debated between tristan, his estranged brother, and his sidekick before he continues to make increasingly forward comments and gestures no matter how many times you tell him to stop doing that <3