A review by a_ab
Scandal in Skibbereen by Sheila Connolly


I am still enjoying the fact that the mysteries and not the main focus of these books and the mysteries themselves are relatively tame. Although this one had a more sinister undertone.

However, I was extremely annoyed at the portrayal of the obnoxious rude American from New York. (Of course! What did you expect?) The murderer in the book was treated by the author with more respect and compassion than the "abominable New Yorker". Why? Because the murderer had Irish blood and the New Yorker did not (in addition to her mortal sins of living in Manhattan and loving her posh job). It felt like deliberate discrimination on the author's part, and it really bothered me.

Another grating aspect that cropped up in this book much more prominently than in the first one was repetitiveness - we heard the same story over and over in full excruciating detail every time it had to be told to or by a new character or repeated within the same scene for the benefit of some new arrival in the room! That got old really fast. Extremely poor writing form.