A review by tuttidolci
The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook


I must admit that my interest in this story wavered for at least the first half of the book. And while I do appreciate the vivid imagery and world-building that Meljean Brook created in this book, it felt as if getting to the romance part of the story took forever. The fact that it is essentially a Romance novel (albeit a Steampunk Romance, if there is such a category) wasn't apparent at first read. In fact, it often had me scratching my head, wondering if maybe Meljean had jumped ship and decided to write Adventure and not Romance - something I don't mind reading, but not when I'm deliberately expecting/wanting a Romance. So, for a while, it felt as if I was reading A League of Extraordinary Gentlemen mixed with Indiana Jones and then a little of Meljean Brook thrown in for good measure. HOWEVER, in hindsight, I realize that this was my first Steampunk read and while I was so busy trying to enjoy the romance aspect of it, I was pretty much dismissing the rest of it.

So...last night, I had the whole night to myself (no hubby, no kids) and decided to give this story a go in earnest. I decided to start again from the beginning and read with an open mind and no distractions. And whaddaya know...I was so involved in the story this time that I kept reading, non-stop, until 6 am.

So, to make a long story short...I laughed, I cried, I cheered, and fell in love. :D

Truth be told, I don't quite think that I'm a Steampunk convert, but I do love Meljean's story telling and this one is no different. In fact, I'd love to know more about Rhys and Mina and Tinker Annie (and heck, even Scarsdale and Yasmeen for that matter), so I'll definitely be looking forward to the next installment in this series - Steampunk or not.