A review by lorin13
Why? Answers to Everyday Scientific Questions by Joel Levy


I read this book back in 2014 or something. Read it again to feel smart. It was nice: it had basic (but good) answers to questions most children probably ask. The questions ranged from simple to more complicated, but the answers were easy to understand. Some questions were straight-up weird though.
Ex.: “Why are babies and puppies considered universally cute?”. The answer made sense, but it was based on some people’s opinions on cuteness. The book went on about how humans are hardwired to think baby humans and animals are cute because of their small features. Not sure if I 100% believe this. Plus, it was written that “if a young woman sees a baby, her pupils dilate, and it takes just a seventh of a second for parts of her brain involved with feelings you get when you see something you really like to light up,” (Levy 119). This may be scientifically correct, although I am skeptical of it. This is specific towards a woman who likes babies, and who thinks they are cute, but written in a way where the message is that every woman likes babies.

The other answers were good, but 4 stars because there could’ve been more to that question. (This may just be me but I’m getting ‘Source: trust me’ vibes. There were citations, but all from very old books (latest was 2011). Also, the book was written in 2012 (the edition I have is the first edition published in USA though (2013)).