A review by ingo_lembcke
Smaragdgrün by Kerstin Gier


Finally finished.
Sorry, too much tinkering on the computer, switching from an old Mac mini, which may have a defective drive to a new Mac mini and jumping from 10.6 to 10.8 and in a month or two to 10.9. Mail and iTunes are my main problems now, Mail is nearly solved (switching to IMAP and back again to POP).
iTunes was a joke when the update to 11 was out, but moving a whole library to a new computer and cleaning it up in the process is a week-long task, I am now 20-30% finished.
So back to the trilogy: I seriously considered rating the last book 4 stars, being glad to finally start a better book... But that would not do it justice.
The complete Trilogy is a quick summer read, for a few rainy days (if even a few are needed).
The main story of time-travel with the usual problems of meeting your ancestors and preventing yourself being born etc. was very well handled.
In the german (jupp, my first language, so I read it in German as it was conceived) version there where only few errors (one name was imho wrongly inserted), no grammar errors and a good structure. But the leading heroine got a little on my nerves, while being headstrong and sometimes making her own decisions, she was immature relationship-wise. Also all 3 books are more light romance, nothing I would consider realistic for a teenager over 14, both for the characters IN the book and the would-be reader.
Recommended if you find nothing better - but there are lots of better books, Hunger Games for instance.
Would I read more of her? Surprisingly the answer is yes, hoping for something with more sex and less romance and less whining (and crying).
The style was good.

My next book was ordered before it was published: [b:Under A Spell|17214409|Under A Spell (Underworld Detection Agency, #5)|Hannah Jayne|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1365987646s/17214409.jpg|23698098], so I know that a (for me) better book is waiting. (Added later: ... which was also not as good as expected, may be I am not in the right mood for this kind of books these days. Consider this than deciding wether to read this or the other book based on my review.)