A review by chelsea_jack
Beg by C.D. Reiss


Beg is a fairly meaty little start to a much longer story. There's some sexy times, there's a decent music-oriented plot. It's not a bad introduction to an interesting world.

Now, I'm reaching my limit for these hyper-controlling alpha men. Jonathan walks the line for me, and I think if I read more in the series, he'd probably drive me nuts. But this isn't a failing of the book, necessarily. He's got issues, he's sexy, and he's entirely appropriate for the sub-genre, so I can't *really* complain here. I can even admit that I'm a little curious about his hang-ups regarding his ex-wife and what impact those will have on the story with Monica - BUT I cringe at the thought of what some of those effects will be.

Monica is a sassy heroine, easy to root for, except for the part where she plays a little loose with her responsibilities to hook up with Jonathan. Still, I liked her, and I'm interested in *her* story.

Overall - a good start to an e-serial - just not sure I'm prepared to go on this journey.

For my complete review, see: To Each Their Own Reviews