A review by yvo_about_books
Tell No One by Harlan Coben

dark mysterious tense fast-paced


Finished reading: June 17th 2024

"Memories, you see, hurt. The good ones most of all."

Harlan Coben's thrillers haven't let me down yet, and I've been slowly making my way through his backlist. I decided to turn to his most read title next: Tell No One. Of course I wasn't surprised when I ended up finishing it in less than a day. There is something about the way he writes his stories that is both highly addictive and extremely engaging, and this story is no exception. I was hooked from the very beginning, with the mysterious messages and a dead wife that might just be alive after all... And it sure was an action-packed and suspensful ride! While things can be said about the credibility of certain aspects of the plot, this tends to be the case with his books in general and I personally didn't mind at all. If you focus on simply enjoying the ride instead, there is a lot of action, danger and tension to be found along the way! There were also quite a few twists and secrets I wasn't able to guess, and this made the revelations all the sweeter. Part of the plot almost has that conspiracy vibe going on, and I simply HAD to know what was really going on. The characters themselves aren't all that developed, but there is enough for you to be able to root for them. All in all yet another successful Harlan Coben read and I'm already looking forward to the next one. 

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