A review by myweereads
Land of the Living by Nicci French


“The cold air hit me in the face, as if someone had slapped me. I gasped and my breath plumed up in the air. My eyes stung with the cold glare of light.”

Land Of The Dead by Nicci French is the story about Abbie Devereaux who has been abducted and is trapped in a basement. She is aware that her captor is there watching her, she knows she has to stay alive and with a miracle manages to escape from one hellish situation to another.

This is definitely a fast paced psychological thriller that can be read in one sitting. The book starts off for the point of view of Abbie. She uses her senses to describe where she is and tries to put together what is happening to her. The author is great at putting Abbie’s torment into view for the reader. You get a sense of everything she’s going through, the intensity of this is all present throughout the book even when she manages to escape and tries to go back to her normal life. It’s here where the story throws a curve ball. As a wee warning it is quite descriptive at times when Abbie is struggling just in case anybody is sensitive to that kind of content it appears now and again not a lot.

From this point the novel has many high and low points for me. The personal struggle of the characters was written very well however at times it became quite far fetched with how the protagonist is dealt with and the absolute bummer for me was the ending, I wasn’t a fan of it. I know this book is a favourite for quite a few fans of Nicci French’s work however this being my first read by her I was a little disappointed with it. I wanted to like it and for the first half I did. The idea of it all was good, there were some clever twists, the personality of the characters was strong but too often the story took directions which didn’t make sense to me.