A review by readerrachelle
Eye of the Colossus: A Steampunk Space Opera Adventure by Nicole Grotepas


I received this book for free from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

While I appreciate the foundation of this book, solid world-building and a great idea, the execution made this a struggle to read. When I have to sit down with the intention of forcing myself to read a book just so I can get it over with and write a review, it's obvious there's a problem. If this book had been written as well as it's synopsis, this review would be very different.

All the elements for a fun adventure romp are there, the execution was just not up to snuff. The pacing and character development was inconsistent, most characters were two dimensional or changed their values too quickly or without a good enough basis for the decision. The story ended up feeling like a hodge-podge of key words the author randomly generated and had to incorporate into the story. I would be interested to read something by this author when her style has matured and has an editor who will work with her to iron out these issues.