A review by magnetgrrl
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight by Brian Augustyn


This may be the first Elseworlds story, placing Bruce Wayne (and Batman) into the Victorian Era. The premise is that Jack the Ripper has moved from London to Gotham and now Batman must track him down, all while his daylight alter ego Bruce Wayne is one of the prime suspects for Jack's murders.

The concept is kind of classically cheesy - 'What If Batman fought Jack the Ripper?' isn't really too far from 'Who would win in a fight between Superman and Godzilla' but even so, the concept is intriguing and fun, and could make for a great story. Unfortunately, the story is really short and almost ham-handed. The art is amazing though, teaming up P. Craig Russel with Mike Mignola.

It's definitely worth a read - a must for any Batman fans and a maybe for those unfamiliar with Batman, too, because it's out of continuity it is more accessible. However it's also not likely to win anyone over to Batman either for the same reasons, and not likely to garner any new fans to comics in general just because it's nothing that spectacular.