A review by mg_in_md_
The Descendants by Kaui Hart Hemmings


I've had this one in my TBR stacks for ages and am glad that I finally picked it up. This was a moving story filled with tenderness, snarky humor, and realistic emotions. It could have easily been overwrought given the subject matter (the mother/wife is in a coma and the family is trying to come to terms with it), but I felt the author deftly balanced the plot with the emotions. The story is divided into four parts and gradually builds to the inevitable, realistic conclusion. The edition I read included an interview with the author and reading guide questions, which prompted me to think about the story after I read the final chapter.

I used this for two of the reading challenges I'm working on this year. For the 2019 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge, I used it for "a book about a family." For the 2019 BookRiot Read Harder Challenge, I used if for "an #ownvoices book set in Oceania" (based on the NYPL Read Harder suggestion list). There was quite a bit of discussion in the BR group about what qualified for this particular prompt, so I may read a second book for it.