A review by marieclaire13
Majesty by Katharine McGee


American Royals is set in an alternate reality where George Washington was made King of the United States instead of President. It’s 2020 and we follow George Washington’s descendants, who are still on the throne.
After the events of book one Beatrice is now the first Queen of America and is struggling to fit into the role. While she is still dealing with the loss of her father, the royal court is planning her wedding to Teddy because one thing is clear to them: Beatrice needs a man by her side to be able to rule.
Meanwhile, her sister Samantha cannot accept that her sister is marrying the man she is in love with. To make Teddy jealous she starts a fake relationship, believing this to be the only way he will notice her.
Nina just wants to get over her break up with Prince Jeff but how is she supposed to manage that when she still has to go to court to be there for her best friend Samantha.
And Daphne knows all she wants is to win Prince Jeff back so she can one day be Princess. To fulfil this dream she will stop at nothing.
What I really liked about American Royals was the drama. The writing style is fun and easy to read. When reading Majesty I was instantly back in the story even though it has been some time since I read book one. I soon realised that Kathrine McGee was going in a direction that I did not see coming at all but I enjoyed that. What I missed a little, compared to the first book, was something to majorly go wrong. There was a lot of drama throughout the novel but I felt as if it was resolved a lot quicker than it was in American Royals. With that being said, I still really enjoyed Majesty. I adored the way the relationships and the characters grew.
Should there be another sequel to this I will definitely be picking it up.