A review by imme_van_gorp
The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry


First read: August 2022 | ★3.0 stars
Second read: November 2023 | ★3.0 stars

This is a story about love and poverty, and the message behind it is really quite sweet.

Two people, very much in love, want to buy each other a Christmas present, but have no money to spare. To get their lover a gift anyway, they both sell their most prized possession.
However, they eventually find out that neither can use the gift the other bought because they sold their own possessions. This could have been a pretty depressing revelation, but no; they're both still really happy because it was actually the thought and sacrifice that counted. 
They each agree that such beautiful selflessness and such unwavering devotion was something money could never buy. Thus, even though they were both ‘worse’ off in the end, they most definitely did not feel like it.