A review by shannonreese
Eternally Damned by January Rayne


This book started out great and promising! It sucked me in and then went down hill.

There are too many inconsistencies, and its frustrating how the inconsistencies kept repeating themselves.

The amount of over explaining, and then over explaining the same thing over again was making me upset. Why would a vampire who doesn't know this other person and cant figure out what they are over share on everything he is? And why would you over share to your GRANDFATHER you were doing the bed sheet tango?

She has to get this house put back together and is having trouble and then all of a sudden the male MC is like yeah I can get a months worth of repairing done in an hour, why did he wait so freaking long to help?

Some of the spice was great until it became the same thing or just got weird.. the amount of times "virgin blood" was used during the dirty just made me feel icky...

It was annoying that she was poor and all of a sudden her grandpa saves the day and says "Surprise! I've been rich this whole time, here take this money!" What? And then it's like "my whole family is dead" PSYCH they were just chilling in a mud puddle...aye?

The bad guy was dying, just finish him! Why turn him and risk something worse?! Its like when a villain has the hero and has a long monologue before taking action so the hero wins - but in reverse.

I wanted to like this book, I really did, someone posted a clip of a chapter on TikTok and I was excited to read it! I was pretty disappointed.