A review by alyshadeshae
Nameless: [A Novel] by Kyle Chais


This book was a struggle. It took me over two months to finish because I couldn't force myself to read more than a little bit every so often. This is one of the few books I've considered not finishing because of how frustrating it was to read.

From the beginning it was slow, had absurd leaps, and very stilted, repetitive dialogue. There were some hysterically horrible editing issues - the seven and three year mix-up is the most glaringly obvious of those. The last chunk of the book finally picked up the pace, although it didn't get much better. :-( There is a lot of excess information in this book - normally I'm a fan of that, but only when the information is interesting. There is also a bunch of repetition in the excess information; we understand that you want us to know why this happened, but you don't have to keep telling us over and over!

This was the first book I "won" from dreamonus.com and I really wanted to like it. I am, however, sure that with proper editing and liberal use of the delete button this book could easily live up to it's potential.

Shockingly, considering my less than stellar review of this book, I am looking forward to more books from Kyle Chais, if only because he ended his acknowledgements with "I got one watermelon" and I'm hoping he shares. :-p In all seriousness, I hope he improves as a writer and either gets an editor or gets a better editor, whichever is necessary.