A review by rollie
The Ivory Tomb by Melissa Caruso


8/10 ♡

My heart HURTS for the Demon of Disaster, Warden of Gloamingard. She walks the razor's edge of fighting for the world she loves and sparing them from her destructive power, both at constant odds with each other, and 4000 years in the making. The author grappled with the conundrum of her own creation to what I suppose is its best end.

The last hundred pages or so felt rushed. After reading the acknowledgements, it seems the author was strapped by deadlines, creativity's greatest threat. Too many story threads were wrapped up in quick succession, and the sheer weight of the implications that defined these books seemed lighter, but never lost. Ryxander and the Rookery clashing with these loose demons could have easily been expanded into another book, or even two, especially when you consider book two was almost entirely devoted to the demons Nightmare and Madness.

(Madness needs to be protected at all costs, I'm eternally grateful Disaster took a liking to her)

I loved this series, and this final chapter meets expectations, but doesn't surpass them. Book one will forever be my favorite, mostly because all the secrets were still hidden and oh so ominous.

Also, I will forever be debating tattooing the Gloamingard lore somewhere on my body

"Guard the tower, ward the stone. Find your answers writ in bone. Keep your trust through wits or war–nothing must unseal the door."