A review by k100dra
Pretty Dead Girls by Monica Murphy


2.75 ☆
It started well. But then the romance basically became the main plot and I just didn't care. I just kept hoping that Cass would be the killer (it would make sense considering he came out of nowhere at the beginning of the book) Instead it was someone completely random.
I feel like the author didn't want us to guess who it was so she ruled out all the main suspects towards the end, but we didn't get to know the junior larks enough to know which one could've done it. And I believe that the reader should be able to guess who did it in a murder mystery, else it is just underwhelming. Yes, we know who did it and why, but the author never gave us any clue (the bullying story comes out of nowhere). Even the main character guessed who it was because she wasn't smiling on a picture ? The girl is supposed to be a mastermind who got away with three murders and yet she isn't able to act like she doesn't hate her next target ??
And don't get me started on the romance... Penelope sees all her friends dying one by one, she knows she's probably next and yet all she cares about is a stupid boy she met five minutes ago. It just doesn't make sense and I'm tired of these useless romance subplots.
I also wish Penelope wasn't portrayed as this nice girl who is just hanging out with the mean girls but really she doesn't like them (except Dani who is nice like her) and of course it was the others who did the bullying, not her...
That being said, it wasn't all bad. The beginning was gripping and I always wanted to continue reading, but the second half kinda ruined it for me. An underwhelming ending can really ruin a thriller tbh.