A review by theeditorreads
My Shocking Monte Carlo Confession by Heidi Rice


This is the seventh book that I'm reading by [a:Heidi Rice|786456|Heidi Rice|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1314400224p2/786456.jpg]. The Virgin's Shock Baby is my favourite read of hers!

It starts with a prologue from Belle Simpson's perspective, who is at the funeral of her best friend Remy Galanti. Standing at some distance is Alexi, the deceased's older brother. Both brothers are from Monaco, where the Galanti family is in the motor racing business. After a long time, I read a Harlequin which starts with a prologue. Or is it the first time?

A week before Remy's death, Alexi and Belle had had a one-night stand. But after his brother's death, for which Alexi blames both himself and Belle, he drives Belle out of the home she knew since she was a ten-year-old kid who had come with her mother to the Galanti house. It is after five years that the actual story starts, in Alexi's perspective, and that is when I realised that it is in the first person. I know, not even writing 'perspective' made me aware as Harlequin's rarely use that mode of narration and I had just finished a book in the first-person narration. So, nothing struck me out of the ordinary at first.

Alexi is out scouting for fresh talent since his current race car driver has been diagnosed with cancer. That is when he spots exactly who he's looking for, one who can drive the beast of a car with ease. Belle was nineteen when she found out about her pregnancy two months after leaving Monaco. Alexi's thirty now and never did Belle tell him that he was the father of an adorable boy, Cai. Though the harsh words that Alexi had treated Belle with all those years ago left much to be desired.
Nothing ever lasted, especially not physical desire—it was transient, fleeting—but for us, I suspected, the intensity was increased by all the other commitments we shared, to the dead and to the living, to the past and the future.

Belle is the fuel-efficiency expert for a rival team's R&D department and a racing enthusiast! An inspiring heroine, with the brains and the oomph to pull off a stellar career in tow with a kid, is all I need in a book. The author glided into Alexi's past, the abuse he suffered at his father's hands, and the memories he shared with Belle.

This was a worldly story. From Monte Carlo to London to Barcelona and back. But this was also a balanced story where the alpha doesn't just bulldoze his way in. He recognised his faults along with being angry at the heroine. And that is what I loved, the way the author objectively presented both the characters. Especially after the way Alexi grew up. Special mention to the adorable Cai, who is so intuitive, as children often are.

But Alexi blowing hot and cold rankled me a little. Even though I always tried to remember where he came from. All in all, this was a wonderful read as the author created a new age heroine who stands shoulder to shoulder with the hero and also, made the book an inclusive one. You will know when you read it!

P.S. Alexi Galanti is best friends with Dante Allegri from [b:Claiming My Untouched Mistress|41458811|Claiming My Untouched Mistress|Heidi Rice|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1535230626l/41458811._SX50_.jpg|64724403]. Dante and Edie have a baby girl now, named Celeste. I wonder if Renzo Camaro, Alexi's rival, gets his own story. Let's just say he was an interesting character.

I received an e-copy of the book from the author. Ms Rice held a signed paperback giveaway of this book, but due to the ongoing situation, she instead offered an e-copy of the book to all the participants of the giveaway.