A review by markreadsbooks_sg
While Paris Slept by Ruth Druart


I got While Paris Slept by Ruth Druart from NetGalley for free, for a fair and honest review.

While Paris Slept, is based on the transportation of the Jews from France which took place at night.

A young railway employee who is employed by the Germans to fix the railway tracks at a railway station, from where the Jews are transported at night.

On one such night a young baby is passed to him so that the baby is not transported to the east.

In the process of rescuing the baby he shoots a German soldier, because of this he flees with the baby and his girlfriend to America.

Thinking that the Parents must have died, they bring up the baby as their own.

However nine years later the baby's parents are alive and they want their baby back.

While Paris Slept, is one of those stories that pulls at the heartstrings, as the moral dilemma in the story, is one which has no right or wrong answer. This is especially true as the writer Ruth Druart, explains that each person's actions were the most logical one for individuals to make at the time.

This story is written in the first person, with both parents and the young boy having chapters which were only seen from that characters point of view.

I know there are many readers out there who do not like this style of story, however in this case I feel that if the story was told in the third person, or only the perspective of one or two people, then I feel the story would have been biased to one parent or the other.

With the story being so well balanced in the way that it was told makes the story a lot more emotional and the dilemma of where the child should live is not an easy one to decide.

All this make While Paris Slept by Ruth Druart a great read.