A review by mmelibertine
Lightspeed Magazine, June 2014: Women Destroy Science Fiction! Special Edition by Christie Yant


What a beautiful collection. It's such a joy to read such a wide range of stories by and for women, showcasing all that women can be and do, and all that self-appointed gatekeepers would try to keep from us. I could hug each writer, editor, and artist who made this work of art happen. (Consider yourselves warned, should I ever be so lucky as to meet you.)

It'd be foolish for me to try to choose favorites, but I'll say this - I enjoyed even the interviews and essays far more than I thought I would. The nonfiction entries give a great insight into women currently 'destroying' and thoroughly stretching the boundaries of their genre/s. As a writer it's immensely inspiring. As a reader it's unbelievably satisfying.