A review by meganfuhr
25 Days 'til Christmas by Poppy Alexander


I just finished this. My thoughts are a little scattered, so bare with me.

At first I enjoyed the book, but the more I read on, the more I disliked it.
To start, it felt like the only personally we got from out MC was that, "Oh. She's a poor single mother, with no husband, oh, what will she do with her life?" And after fourteen chapters of this. I was about ready to just close the book. We got a single chapter about a guy who seen her, because she works at a Christmas tree farm, and he remembered her from all the years past that he went there with his, now dead, wife.
The thing that was also annoying was the guy only wanted to talk to her mainly based on looks and physical attraction, there was no meet cute, or personal getting to know each other, and it just came off as weird to me.
Besides that, our MC constantly complains that child care is too expensive, her house is too small. It gets too cold, life sucks, yadda yadda, which to me is terribly depressing for the Christmas season.
Also there is this really weird sub plot where her kid has sever anxiety, and some problems with learning, and they keep referring to him as a "special needs kid." Like sure, he needs a little more help than maybe some other kids, but the teachers were acting like it was the worst thing they'd ever saw, and how dare he be a little slow reading!

I started skipping whole segments about midway through because it would just be her basically just saying, "Oh. I'm so poor, my son has problems, and I don't have a mate." And it got really repetitive.

This book really wasn't for me, it was far too sad, and really, just full to the brim.with misfortune, and we barely got their "happy ending" it was more like she just threw it together and said, "Yeah, that's good enough."

I would not recommend this to anyone who wants happy cozy Christmas books, because it is terribly depressing.