A review by taegen
The Great Zoo of China by Matthew Reilly


Holy forking shirtballs

At first, I was mildly interested but worried it was going too slowly and that I would quickly get bored... but then I hit page 132 and it all "went to hell"

From there, I literally could NOT stop reading. This story is hold your breath, hang onto your hat, heart racing kind of stuff and I was not immune.

While a *lot* of the plot lines are extremely unbelievable and eye roll worthy, it kind of didn't matter because it was so fast paced you didn't stop to think about all the ways in which the ridiculousness was, well, simply ridiculous. Unfortunately the "over-the-top" nature of Reilly did get a bit much for me by the end but still an entertaining read.

I was told this was "Jurrasic Park but with Dragons" and yep, that pretty much sums it up.

Trigger warning: it can get pretty gruesome