A review by princenbeaux
Cast in Shadow by Michelle Sagara


*spoilers* This is my second time reading this although the first time was a long time ago and I don't remember much from it which was why I read it again, let me just say I'm pleasantly surprised that there was no romance in it at all. it's frustrating when characters are trying to save the world and the author throws in a romance when like sex and shit is clearly not important when some evil fucking dragon is trying to create some kind of goddess of death. Despite that though I was kind of hoping for something to sort of happen with Severn and Kaylin. also it was weird that Teela and Tain are constantly mentioned together but Tain is actually never physically present where we see him speak. it was pretty good though the different races were cool and the lack of romance was refreshing even if some of the wording and dialogue was a bit confusing and awkwardly phrased at times. I think the world building could be better. but that's just me.