A review by lizanneyoung
A Not So Prince Charming by Jennifer Chipman


Thank you to the author for an eARC in exchange for an honest review!


🔹 Rivals to Lovers
🔹 One Night Stand
🔹 He Falls First
🔹 College Romance
🔹 Dual POV

This is the first in a new series by Jennifer Chipman following students at Castleton University. A Not So Prince Charming follows Ella and Cam, the presidents of their Greek organizations who have what is meant to be a one-night stand on Halloween. It turns into so much more.

It’s a fun story filled with the standard vibes: a disapproving parent, a family death, and a girl who needs to learn to open up. I liked how these were all done and how they fit together. Both Ella and Cam had interesting internal dialogues that added depth. The side characters add a bit of zing that makes me excited for whose story is next. Overall, it’s a pretty standard rom-com with a dash of emotional vulnerability. 

What brought this down for me was the dialogue during emotional scenes and the extended epilogue. The emotional conversations felt a bit fake, lacking the bits of reality that I enjoy. I love a good happy ending and great declarations, but they need to sound at least a little like something someone would say in real life. The extended epilogue has one of my least favorite story cliches, which always ruins an ending for me.