A review by kayteeem
Here in the Real World by Sara Pennypacker

Ware is 11, and had planned to live with his grandmother for the summer until she falls and breaks her hip. His parents are both working double-shifts to save for a down payment on a house, so he ends up at Summer Rec, which he despises. He's more of a loner, and would rather have time to exercise his imagination. He ends up never checking in to Rec, in favor of spending time in an abandoned church lot next door, which he imagines as a castle. There, he meets Jolene, who is using the space to grow papayas for extra money.

Over the course of the summer, they become friends, and work together on the papaya garden.

The summer interlude is threatened by developers who plan to knock down the old church to build a strip mall; Ware's parents, who don't understand him; local bird enthusiasts who see the vacant lot as dangerous to migrating birds (the empty parking lot looks too much like open water, and the birds will hurt themselves if they land there); and the end of summer itself.

Ware learns a bit more about himself and gains confidence, but is it enough to overcome the obstacles? Read and find out...