A review by jaimie_lynn
Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire


Here's my dilemma.

I really enjoyed this book. I liked Travis as the hot alpha male and then I read a bunch of 1 star reviews because I was curious as to why people didn't like it. They pointed out the stalker, abusive, controlling nature of Travis and I was just like....

OMGosh. YES.

The funny thing is, that's the biggest thing I like in spicy reads -- the controlling over the top male. Travis was a bit much at times though, especially with the violence, but I also attribute it to him being young and dumb. I'm still rating it 4 stars. It's a fictional book and it made me feel how I want to feel while reading books. Happy and speeding through because I just couldn't put it down.

One of the reasons it's 4 stars though isn't because of the above stuff. It's other holes in the story. Like the fact they were in Vegas and acted like there was only one casino. It led to a bunch of unnecessary things because if she just went to another casino to gamble, problem solved, but then no more to that part of the story. Lol.

And I'm super irritated at the tattoo she got in the end. WHO PUTS THEIR OWN NAME ON THEM?! Mrs. Maddox