A review by staceyinthesticks
Girl 4 by Will Carver


I received this book as a secret Santa at Christmas under the theme of "debut novel" - I'd never heard of this author before but I was really intrigued by the synopsis as I do love a thriller.

The way it was written was different to anything I've read previously - from 3 POV. Detective January David, the killer, and the victims. It does begin with "Girl 4" in the present day, and this is someone January recognises. We're then taken back to when the gruesome murders started, and Girl 1. The way the author has written, each victim "sort of" tells what is going to happen before we find out.

The chapters alternate between January, the current victim, and the killer. Although it's written from the POV of the killer in alternating chapters, we don't actually know who it is and this did have me guessing. I'm glad that each chapter was headed with who's it was though or it could have become confusing if the author had flitted between them in the same chapter!

I couldn't bring myself to connect with January too much - him and his partners were frustrating at times, when I figured out things before they did that were obvious. There was a lot of mind games being played with him and it was only toward the end I warmed to him a little.

I don't want to give too much away (more than I have already!) but do check it out if you're looking for a different sort of thriller. There was a bit of a cliffhanger so I do want to read the next in the series!