A review by daniellewalsh
Human Universe by Brian Cox


Human Universe tackles the biggest questions: Where are we? Are we alone? Who are we? Why are we here? What is our future?

It’s all very interesting and one thing I love about Professor Brian Cox’s documentaries and books are that they are accessible, no matter how little knowledge I have on physics - however, at times in the book I was a bit overwhelmed by the mathematics and physics which were a little heavy.

But what I did understand was all down to Cox’s ability to make a potentially dry subject so engaging and exciting. He is curious and passionate and that comes across in the book-which is inspiring when you aren’t a physicist, just an interested human.

There are cool quotes, illustrations and photos throughout which are nice visuals to go with all of the knowledge.

‘What a piece of work is a man. So certain, so vulnerable, so ingenious, so small, so bold, so loving, so violent, so full of promise, so unaware of his fragile significance.’
