A review by snarkywench
Evernight by Claudia Gray


I thought I had this novel pegged from the beginning and then BAM, what I thought was true was flipped. I was duly impressed from that moment on and it assist me in overlooking some of the more cliched developments. One quibble would be Bianca's labelling of herself as 'shy' yet that instantly disappears in Lucas' company. I never buy that for an instant in any literature.

You are expected to buy into the love that develops between Lucas and Bianca and I did to a degree, but it was impeded by two aspects - 1) swift falling in love where the basis of adoration isn't really established (typical of YA) and 2) Balthazar. I really like Lucas, he's complex, flawed and the kissing scenes were delightful but I am intrigued by good old Balty. I wanted to see more of him and was disappointed when Bianca didn't give him a chance. What can I say? I am a sucker for those with a bad case of unrequited love (or Pacey Syndrome as I choose to call it.)

It's a fresh take on a genre that is swiftly becoming stale. I loved the concept that Evernight Academy was established to help teen vampires keep up with the technological advancements of society. (Ranulf's adamant conviction that there are spirits trapped in iPods was hilarious). More than anything I respect the fact that Gray has presented a star crossed couple but provided an equally attractive and respected third to their triangle. All characters are well rounded and their actions are understandable. I am waiting on tenterhooks for the release of Stargazer in the next few months.