A review by lattelibrarian
How Do We Know Ourselves?: Curiosities and Marvels of the Human Mind by David G. Myers


Myers compiles vast amounts of psychological and sociological research and pares its findings down for us to understand. Why do we agree with conflicting idioms? Is there truth to birth order psychology? And just what is decision fatigue? These little tidbits of information help comprise who we are on a basic, day-to-day manner. The way we perceive ourselves helps us to understand how others act--and how we interact with them.

This was a great book, perfect for reading in short spurts with chapters no longer than ten pages. Myers uses a variety of examples and refers to plenty of studies, so you know that what he's sharing has been well-studied and observed. A fantastic read for armchair psychologists and those curious about how we feel about ourselves in a subconscious way!