A review by sil_the_lobster
The Life and Loves of a He Devil by Graham Norton


An amazing read. I picked it up because I enjoy watching his talk show, because I think he’s funny but not in a silly way, because I’ve read a pretty insightful interview with him a while back... and because I got the hardcover at a good bargain price :-) I didn’t know what to expect from a book that goes by the title of “The Life and Loves of a He Devil” but let me tell you, it’s funny, sad, ridiculous, wise, disgusting, entertaining, and it will give you some food for thought, too.

I’ve liked him for quite a while and his bio is well written and very entertaining but he got me with the following:

[...] There have been various attempts at relationships but nothing has lasted very long. [...] They have all drifted in and out of my life. I never blame myself but it is glaringly obvious that I am the common denominator in all these failed relationships. I have to ask myself if I really want the ‘happy ever after’ and the answer seems to be no. I like having someone around who will come out for dinner, go for holidays and even have the occasional fumble in the bedroom but I’m not sure I’m built for sharing my entire life and heart. Being with someone should double your joy and yet I find it halved. Nor is being alone something I fear; in fact, when offered the choice, I seem to embrace it. [...] I must admit I feel fairly content being solo. I’m not pretending being alone makes me ecstatically happy but I’m not sad, and that already seems like quite a lot in life.(Taken from the chapter “Men”)

These words are like cool linen on a very sore spot. Sore, not because I keep scratching it but others do by constantly telling me that one day, oh yes, one day I will find The One and then I, too, will ride into the sunset. And I should get my arse outside and start looking for him now because really, all this being single is not healthy.

Well, the above paragraph alone made picking up the book worth my while, and for that, I want to kiss Graham Norton. There's a lot more good and wise insights on a variety of topics (friendship, gratitude, family, life's priorities) but this one stuck.

Not your usual celeb bio. Go + pick it up. It's worth it.