A review by smitchy
King Ottokars Sceptre by Hergé, Hergé


Re-reading this after a gap of many years and it is still an enjoyable adventure full of action, plot-twists, and humour. Tintin has made a new friend in Professor Alembick, a man who specialises in studying studying royal seals, and accepts a position as his secretary for a trip to the fictional kingdom of Syldavia located in central Europe. Just before leaving Tintin hears the Alembick being attacked while on the phone. He rushes to his aid but when he arrives the Professor is completely fine!
Tintin slowly puts together that Alembick has been replaced with an imposter but before he can work out why, Tintin is dropped out of a plane! There are many adventures along the way to foil a plot against the King of Syldavia!

There are parts of this that are not aging well; Castafiore in particular as the only female character is essentially a joke character there for laughs (a recurring joke about her ability to shatter glass give an impression of more volume and painfully high pitch rather than skill). There are, of course, the incompetent Thomson & Thompson there to be bumbling detectives (an absolute must have if an amateur detective is to be the hero). As this is set in a European country there is no racism which is extremely problematic in some of the other Tintin books. While Syldavia looks a little backward in the countryside scenes it is not overly so given it is set in 1930s?or 1940s? (Herge seems to deliberately avoid dating his comics but was originally published 1947).

There is a lot of slapstick in the comics and they are still a lot of fun but I am re-reading them so I can talk about them with modern eyes (rather than nostalgic eyes) as I introduce them to new generation, and hopefully get ahead of any problematic issues.

This is the 5th book in the original lineup of Tintin titles and also the book that introduces Signora Bianca Castafiore - who later becomes the bane of Captain Haddock's life.