A review by naiapard
Obsession by Alexis Calder


It took me by surprise. I did not expect for this plot to be so thought-through (for a paranormal book, it was akin to a puzzle-making contest).

I mean, the protagonist had some intriguing background, the way she met with the love interested was … interesting, too, and what followed was also, … interesting.

(I am not making inuendos with the interesting over-usage, it`s just that the routes taken by this book were a bit off from the beaten path, and I appreciated it).

Maybe this book is one of the many other examples that come to demonstrate a phenomena that is happening amongst the paranormal/fantasy books. They are increasingly better, plot-wise, romance-wise and character-wise.

That, or my brain is broken to no return.

If there is no more hope for me, please do not save me because I want to see where this journey is going to take me to.

I await the second book in this instalment. I am curious how the “interesting” will evolve into “fascinating” (or at least, I hope so).

Quote from said book:

“When you are finished with your meeting, you will send a representative to my home to share what I missed. I want an update every day until the perpetrator is caught. Do you understand?” Dante said.

“I’ll find someone,” Henry said, quickly.

“I want her,” Dante pointed to where I was still standing near the trash can.

“Oh, no, you don’t want me,” I said.”

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