A review by heabooknerd
Widdershins by Jordan L. Hawk


WIDDERSHINS has been on my TBR for a long time and it did not disappoint now that I've finally read it! I loved the setting of a 1890's Massachusetts town founded by a man running from the Salem witch trials. Throw in some magic, a dangerous occult group, a fantastic historical museum, and of course our MCs, private detective Griffin Flaherty and scholar Percival Endicott Whyborne, and this was a big success for me.

Told completely from Whyborne's POV, the reader really gets a sense of how lonely and reserved Whyborne is before he meets Griffin. An outcast in his own family, Whyborne is an introverted and scholarly man who feels like no one truly sees him for who he really is. I got so immersed in Whyborne as a character and I loved seeing his growth throughout the book as he steps out of his comfort zone but personally and professionally. Griffin is the perfect match for Whyborne because he helps Whyborne see his inherent self worth. Griffin is adventurous and outgoing but he has his own doubts and demons that make him unsure if he can fully trust or rely on Whyborne.

Together, these two make quite the team as they attempt to solve a murder and navigate the sudden realization that magic and dangerous creatures are afoot in Widdershins. Along the way they're assisted by Dr. Christine Putnam who I absolutely loved because she refused to be anything other than what she was no matter how much she scandalized the local men of Widdershins.

Equal parts romantic, magical, and adventurous, WIDDERSHINS was a great start to the series and I can't wait to follow Whyborne and Griffin on all their travels.

Content Warning: reference to the death of a close friend

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Connected Series:
1. Whyborne & Griffin
2. Rath & Rune