A review by rosecolouredcourt
Ballad: A Gathering of Faerie by Maggie Stiefvater


I love Maggie Stiefvater and I loved this book but I kept feeling like it was missing something.

Before I read it, I read some of the reviews and a lot of people were saying that they thought it would be better as a stand alone book rather than a sequel. I think it's good as a sequel because James is in the first book and Ballad is from his point of view so you get to see some character development and you get to understand his character a little bit more.

I felt like things were left unfinished between Dee and Luke in Lament so I thought there would be some sort of development for them or something but there wasn't a lot said about them, other than Dee being a bit crazy and weird.

I could connect with James more than I could Dee so I enjoyed reading this a little bit more than Lament in that sense. The only characters I liked were James and Sullivan/Mr Sullivan.

Overall I think it's a good book to read when you want to relax or whatever because if I'm honest, not a lot happens.It wouldn't be my 'go to' book when I want a tense, dramatic read that will play with my emotions because it didn't do any of that for me.