A review by asimilarkite
The Boyfriend List: 15 Guys, 11 Shrink Appointments, 4 Ceramic Frogs and Me, Ruby Oliver by E. Lockhart


I needed Roo in my life right about now. Having recently moved to a new town where I really know very few people, I have been having minor existential crises involving friendship. I am a very social person, and suddenly moving to a town where I know NO ONE has dredged up some old memories of times I've lost friends in the past, and made me think a lot about what exactly it means to be friends with someone, as well as HOW to make new friends.

Ruby may be in high school, but she is a smart, thoughtful character who deals with her problems in ways I only wish I could. She's flawed, but she is learning to deal with how it feels to lose a friend -- something I feel like I've never really been able to fully cope with.

Ruby is also hilarious, and awesome, and smart, and I want to be friends with her even though some of the actions she takes are probably not always the best ones. I'm not a huge "chick lit" reader, but this is exactly the kind of girlbook I want. A girl who is a real person, all her friends are real, fully developed people, hilarious dialogue mixed with real life crises -- everything. This book gets five stars from me for being the right book for me at the right time. I'm excited to read the sequel :)