A review by shyanne_shilson
Sinner's Creed by Kim Jones


One word to describe Sinner's Creed; TRAGIC.

This book... This book has ruined me, healed me then ruined me again ten times over.

It follows the life of Dirk, a hardcore nomad for Sinner's Creed MC who knows nothing but death, hurt and viciousness in the world. He has several 'sees' with Saylor, a very innocent, pure women who see nothing but rainbows and glitter in the world (or so we think).

"This is not just a token of my love, but my vow to always be your man. I’ll protect you, take care of you, and devote my life to making you happy. Saylor Samson, will you do me the honor of being my ol’ lady and wearing my patch?”
— Kim Jones (Sinner's Creed (Sinner's Creed MC, #1))

Once Dirk and Saylor finally get a full encounter, both lives change the road that they were traveling on forever. I won't go into too many details even though you will never guess how this book ends but I will say this;

I have read close to five hundred books in my life. And I can count on one hand how many books have actually shredded my heart and made me cry. Sinner's Creed is one of those books. I just got done re-reading the ending (The last ten pages) after finishing the book a month ago, and yes, I cried again.

This is one of the most heart wrenching, gut crushing, soul-opening, tear-jerking books that I have ever read and my heart hasn't been the same since. I think about it all the time. I compare Sinner's Creed to every book I read and it makes me want that one person in the world who can make you see skittles in a colorless world.

Sinner's Creed has forever changed my life and I will both hate and love Kim Jones for as long as I live.

If you're looking for a book to change your life like I promise it will, then Sinner's Creed is the one for you. STRONGLY RECOMMEND.

More Reviews: https://sshilsonreviews.blogspot.com/