A review by whit2ney
Tales of the Sea Witch by Lou Wilham


So this is hard to admit but I’m moved by stories of characters who really get knocked down and pushed beyond the limit. I don’t really like having to read it but it’s authors like Wilham who really know how to describe these events with strength and care.

This story is very much a prequel to the Little Mermaid tale we think we know so well. Wilham’s spin on the fairy tale touches on emotional abuse, gaslighting, and persecution—and how characters like Irsa manage to rise above it all. This isn’t a happy tale but it’s a beautiful one. The world building and character development kept me hooked.

And the romance. Devastating, heartbreaking, magical.

Wilham’s dedication to inclusive characters and storytelling is a win-win. I’m not much of an expert on LGBTQTIA+ experiences, but her tale of Irsa and Aislin documents the ups and downs of knowing who you are and fighting against systems that would rather you give up your voice. (Little Mermaid pun intended.)