A review by tallangryplanet
For Her Consideration by Amy Spalding


After an apocalyptic breakup, Nina Rice cannot immagine herself at the center of a Hollywood life. She just isn't made for it, so she'll settle for working as an agent for the rest of her life, forgoing friends, fun, and love. That is, until she meets Ari. Sweet, brilliant, charming Ari, who should be absolutely off-limits because she's an actual star and one of Nina's clients. But then again, life is not a movie to be scripted... 

This is a really cute sapphic romance with a (big) dash of learning to love yourself and to let others into your life, even or especially in those moments when you feel weak and vulnerable. Nina and Ari's relationship is very wholesome, and despite it technically being a workplace romance there aren't uncomfortable power dynamics. 

My biggest (and practically only) issue with this book was that the main character's self-deprecation was annoying and repetitive at times. Fortunately, her friends were there to put some sense into that silly head (what do you mean one person's opinion of me should not shape the entirety of my life's decisions??) and bring some extra joy into this book. Honestly, the friend group really made this book worth it. 

This story is not too dense but has just the right amount of depth to keep you interested and wanting more. I absolutely recommend this if you're looking for a light and fluffy read, or are in need of a pick-me-up. 

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.